Monday, January 9, 2012

An Upside Down Christmas Tree

Submitted by LYCAN148 on Mon, 02/23/2009 at 9:53pm.
T.R,Dawson Flakirk Hearld 1914
Mate in 2 white to move
(solution below)
We are going to work this out from retrograde analysis.Where could have blacks last move been???He can't have moved his king,as that would result as a impossible dould check if gone to d8 or f8 and for d7 and f7,the e-pawn is blocked and could not have moved.And also not the b7 or h7 pawns as they have never moved!The only moves are d7-d5 and f7-f5.Both would be mate in 2,but there is only one solution.Both moves can mate,with cxd6 then d7 or gxf6 then f7 mate.
The white pawns must have taken 10 captures to reach their positions,and that is every piece that are gone,so the c8 bishop could not have been taken on its starting square,therefore the last move must have been f7-f5!
1.gxf6   any pawn move

Chess by numbers

Chess... by the numbers! Our favorite game is amazing.

The Euler's 8x8 magic square -

The Euler's 8x8 magic square

The Euler's 8x8 magic square.

A magic square of order n is an arrangement of n^2 numbers (usually 1, 2, 3...) such that the sum of the numbers in all the rows, columns and big diagonals is a constant.

For example:

An example of a magic square of order 3.

Here the sum of all rows, columns and main diagonals is equal to 15.

This is a very interesting mathematical topic that shows how chess has a big mathematical mistery. Leonard Euler, a very important mathematician, constructed a magic square of order 8, in this square if you put a knight in the 1 you can touch all 64 boxes in consecutive numerical order.

The Euler's 8x8 magic square.

This square solves 2 big problems:

  • To construct a 8x8 magic square.
  • Move a knight in a chessboard visiting all squares 1 and only 1 time.

Conclusion: Math & Chess have many things in common.
